Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Day One - The Journey Begins

Hello! My name is Ben and welcome to my blog. Thanks for reading and hopefully you'll be back again. This blog will be mostly about food as cooking is my passion and today is the very beginning of a journey (I do realise that's a massive cliche) that has the ultimate destination of becoming a professional chef. In September 2012 I start a professional cookery course and this, my first foray in the blogosphere, will look to document my journey up to that and beyond. It will also include recipes, ideas, thoughts, reviews, what foodie related things me and my friends have been up to, just about anything to do with food and the social aspect that I believe goes hand in hand along with it. I will try to blog as often as possible and let you know what I've been up to. I really hope you enjoy what I have to share and stay with me on my journey!
Today I start a new job. It may not seem important to some, or even like it's something noteworthy. However, it is to me. I'm 26, nearly 27 years old and it's taken me this long to realise what I wanted to do with my life. I want to cook, make food for people and for them to enjoy it. For me, there's no better feeling than someone telling me that they enjoyed food that I cooked for them. For nearly ten years I've worked in offices, call centres, even collected debt and not once did I feel satisfied. It finally got to a point where I needed to change. I need to do something I enjoy, something that excites me and something that I can be proud of. I am well aware that I cannot just go and jump into a head chefs job so I am starting at the bottom. 

Today will be my first shift as a waiter and I can't wait. It may not be glamorous or sexy but it's the first step on the ladder. A ladder that will eventually lead to me becoming a professional chef. It means I can get an insight, however small at first, on how a professional kitchen works and what it takes to succeed in that environment. I will report back with my first impressions!

Just before I finish my first post, I must make you aware of my friend's blog, The Cake Hunter. Sophie makes the best cupcakes I've ever tasted, she is also a must follow on Twitter.

Again, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and I'll be back soon!


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